【同义词辨析】 2018-07-24 无欢dismal-desolate
dismal: may imply extreme gloominess or somberness that is utterly depressing: a ~ day of unrelenting raining. (gloom: 2个意思,1阴暗gloom November sky十一月阴暗的天空,2忧愁economic gloom对经济的忧虑,somber和gloom同义) (depress压抑抑郁是最严重的失望)
dreary: implies a sustained gloom, dullness, or tiresomeness that discourages or enervates: spent the whole day in the ~ apartment. (enervate使逐渐无力,如an enervating climate 使人衰弱无力的气候)
cheerless: stresses a pervasive, disheartening joylessness or hopelessness: faced a ~ life as a drudge. 苦工 (cheer本意是喝彩,情绪高涨,和happy差别不大一般就说成欢乐)
dispiriting: implies a disheartening or lessening of morale or determination: the problems made for a ~ start for their new venture. 有风险的经营项目
bleak: implies a chilly, dull barrenness that disheartens and lacks any notions of cheer, shelter, or comfort: a ~ windswept landscape offering no refuge for the wayward traverler. (chilly是口语表寒冷,程度也比cold轻) (wayward任性反常如a wayward prisoner任性的囚犯,例句任性的旅行者)(旅行者1或2个l都可以)
desolate: implies that something disheartens by being utterly barren, lifeless, uninhabitable or abandoned: the long trek into the country's ~ interior. 内陆 (trek长途跋涉,如走几天,但口语中仅表示走得远,如a long trek into town到商业区要走很远的路)
dismal阴郁: 形容极为阴暗或忧愁,让人压抑,dreary沉闷: 始终黯淡无聊(gloom,dull,tiresome黯淡无趣无聊)让人厌倦,cheerless无欢乐: 强调毫无欢乐希望(pervasive弥漫),dispiriting丧气: 让人灰心失去士气决心(lessen本意减少),bleak荒凉: 寒冷荒芜(chilly冷barren荒),无庇荫欢乐舒服,desolate荒芜: 形容荒芜无生气无法居住被废弃。
记忆方法: 1)首字母DDCDBD把4个D想成多Duo,BC悲惨,即多悲惨<==无欢,毫无欢乐
2)无欢的意思是毫无欢乐舒适mean devoid of all that is cheerful or comfortable. (devoid: 完全缺乏completely lacking in something,如I have never looked on a face that was so devoid of feeling.我从没见过如此面无表情的脸)